illuminate /\ obfuscate

Hi! Welcome to my blog. My name is Chloe and i've been doing photography since 2014. I started up my flickr and my first blog (Imagine) around March 2017. Soon after, I created this blog, which was previously named "Sweet Treat." Since I am very indecisive, I had to change my name to something unique, but simple. Therefore, illuminate/obfuscate was born. You're probably wondering, what in the world kinda name is this and what does it mean? So, I have left my explanation down below. Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog/flickr; I hope you enjoyed your time.

illuminate: to light up; lighten. 

obfuscate: to be dark; darken. 

The reason I chose something like this is to represent the sides of my photos. I can either have a darker image or a lighter image. So, yeah there's my reasoning. (LOL)
