136 | You used to call me on my cell phone; late night when you need my love..

by - 6:56 PM

Hair: RAMA.SALON - Hayley Hair 'EXCLUSIVE'FaMESHed Go! (FaMESHed Go is a HUD you can use at the Mainstore!)
Outfit: Scandalize. Mulbery. FATPACK @ Equal 10 NOW!
Earrings: .Random.Matter. - Momo Earrings - Mojito
Headband: pr!tty - Lohni - Hello Spring {Headband}

Pose: FOXCITY. Boi, Bye Bento Pose Set (1) @ Equal 10 NOW!
Background: #selfie_RAMA - Hotline Bling 'Blue' @ Equal 10 NOW!


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